

Mayday! I am in Crisis

Many of life’s struggles are internal- mental, emotional, interpersonal, spiritual. These struggles are some of the hardest we face. God gives us a key bit of wisdom there in 2 Corinthians. Take your thoughts captive- or they will create a prison in your mind. All of the tactics I have written about are to help you keep your thoughts on God and off your circumstances in a crisis. These are all keeping your thoughts “captive” where they should be.

emotional indecision

Are my emotions broken?

Emotions get nourishment from where your thoughts are focused. Think of your thought life as an email server. Emails come in and must be put in their categories of importance, must be addressed, must be labelled spam and ignored. Some thoughts are spam because of the fallen world we live in and the sinful bodies we inhabit. But we don’t have to read the spam, we can send it to the trash. We have to chose carefully what our thoughts focus on.

One Thing

One Thing

One thing- This one thing will become a foundation for peace and put God’s truth front and center in your mind. It will eventually make your emotional swings become smaller and smaller. It will change your face to a face at rest. It will overcome anxiety and depression.

Transforming your emotional numbness into joy

Transforming your emotional numbness into joy

Is it okay to walk through life numb? Not feeling anything at all? In my friend’s case of severe postpartum depression, she went on a medication for a short time that helped her level out some chemicals in her brain. If you are living behind the curtain of numbness, if you are separated from your emotions there are non-medical steps, biblical steps you can take to get back on the path of true peace.