image of author


Hi! I’m Emily.

You don’t have to be in the middle of crazy life events to feel overwhelmed or out of control.

I have learned what God wants for my thoughts and emotions as I survive the whirlwind that has been my life. I have clawed my way out of mental and emotional defeat, overwhelm, and survival mode more times than I can count.

“I think your baby has Down Syndrome.”

“They are deploying me again.”

“Your son has a heart condition– he needs surgery.”

“We got orders to move to Japan.”

“The plane for the evacuation is leaving tomorrow.”

“Go directly to the Emergency Room- we need to rule out a brain tumor.”

“You are miscarrying, there is nothing we can do.”

“I will be on night shift for the next six months.”

God knew the life I was going to live so he prepared me with time to learn his Word. I have degrees in Theology, Biblical Studies, and Curriculum and Instruction. My intellectual knowledge, became practical knowledge as I struggled to follow God in my mind and heart in my daily life.

I found myself encouraging and counseling women through terrible events- husbands walking away, deployment divorce, suicide watches. I saw people who loved God, but had not to built their lives on His character and Word. (Matthew 7:24 ). Deception was guiding their minds and hearts instead of truth.

That became my calling: I am a teacher to those in crisis; A sister to the one who keeps powering through hoping it gets better; A friend to the broken and brokenhearted, freeing people trapped by deception.

“The Master, God, has given me

    a well-taught tongue,

So I know how to encourage tired people.

    He wakes me up in the morning,

Wakes me up, opens my ears

    to listen as one ready to take orders.”

Isaiah 50:4  (MSG)

I encourage women from my farm home in Ohio, while juggling caring for my five children and rolling with the changes that come with a military lifestyle. I hope you let me encourage you! Sign up for my emailed encouragement!

I have a basket of hope for you. The truth can set you free from deception. Every believer has access to precious promises, and the joy that comes from God!

Let me encourage you!