One thing- one thing that you need to choose to do today. 

This one thing will become a foundation for peace and put God’s truth front and center in your mind. It will eventually make your emotional swings become smaller and smaller. It will change your face to a face at rest. It will overcome anxiety and depression.

What is this miracle choice?

It is the choice to only think about the truth.

Only think about the truth.

It will change everything.

Thinking truth means no What-if’s.  I think about 70% of what we as women meditate on falls into this category. We spend our whole lives reacting to things that we think we should be prepared for. We constantly what if. 

What-if that medical test comes back malignant?

What-if we can’t find the cat?

What-if my husband is having an affair?

What-if the bus doesn’t come today and my kid is kidnapped?

What-if . . . if we are honest we know that our what-ifs expand and take on crazy minds of their own.  We can daydream ourselves into the apocalypse easily.  As we keep running down these pathways in our brain they become more pronounced. The What-if can become a lens through which we view reality. It can warp us into women who live in fear.

that you need to choose to do today. 

One thing- This one thing will become a foundation for peace and put God’s truth front and center in your mind. It will eventually make your emotional swings become smaller and smaller. It will change your face to a face at rest. It will overcome anxiety and depression. 

What is this miracle choice?

It is the choice to only think about the truth.

Only think about the truth.

It will change everything.

Thinking truth means no What-if’s.  I think about 70% of what we as women meditate on falls into this category. We spend our whole lives reacting to things that we think we should be prepared for. We constantly what if. 

What-if that medical test comes back malignant?

What-if we can’t find the cat?

What-if my husband is having an affair?

What-if the bus doesn’t come today and my kid is kidnapped?

What-if . . . if we are honest we know that our what-ifs expand and take on crazy minds of their own.  We can daydream ourselves into the apocalypse easily.  As we keep running down these pathways in our brain they become more pronounced. The What-if can become a lens through which we view reality. It can warp us into women who live in fear.

If-Only I had been organized I would have paid that bill on time.

If-Only I hadn’t married this man.

If-Only my kids were better nappers.

If-Only’s take you from meditating on truth to complaining. 

Yep- guilt and regret are really complaining about what happened in retrospect.  You might be blaming yourself but it is still complaining. 

In Philippians 3:13-14 Paul states:”But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”(ESV)

Paul knew he could get trapped in the past- he says he considers it trash when he looks ahead to what God is doing (Philippians 3:8-10)

One thing today-

Think about Truth

No What-if’s

No If-Only’s

Those are the things you have to stop doing- but what do you do with all that extra mental space and time you have blocked off?

Oh my sister, that is where the transformation in your life is going to take place. Paul described it like this in the next verses:

But one thing I do: 

forgetting what lies behind 

and straining forward to what lies ahead, 

14 I press on toward the goal for the prize

 of the upward call 

of God in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 3:13-14 ESV

You are going to win the prize!

So today blast the worship and be conscious of your thoughts. Today is for the big change- you are exchanging the deceit that has trapped you for the freedom found in truth.

(If you are having difficulty finding truth to concentrate your thoughts on please see my posts under the Foundation of Truth tab on my blog.)

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